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Slave trade - senegal

"Foot of the Shoot: Receiving the Cotton-Bales on Board the Steamer," May, 1861 From the pier, the bales are being loaded onto the steamboat "Magnolia" on the Alabama River. From the Illustrated London News.

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"Cotton-Shoot on the Alabama," May, 1861, Loading cotton onto the steamboat "Magnolia" on the Alabama River. The cotton bales are delivered to the pier through a long chute. From the Illustrated London News.

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Loading cotton onto the steamboat "Magnolia" on the Alabama River. The cotton bales are delivered to the pier through a long chute. From Ballou's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion, May 1861

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Interior of a steamboat on the Tombigbee River 1880-1910

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Steamboat "Tinsie Moore" docked in Montgomery, Alabama, 1892

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Unloading cotton from the steamboat "City of Knoxville" at Decatur, Alabama, 1880-1889

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Steamboat Alabama loading or unloading cotton, 1890-1910

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"Slaves Shipping Cotton by Torch Light - River Alabama." 1840-1870

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Photos: Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Alabama

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